Up close - with Believa
What do tattoos mean to you? For us, they tell more than just a story, after all, they are a part of us. To ensure that the tattoos continue to look good for years to come, we recommend carefully caring for the newly stitched tattoos in the first few weeks with our customer proven Tattoo Butter. This initial period is the foundation for the future appearance of the tattoo. The faster and more professionally the tattoo wound heals, the later the tattoo gets a chance to fade. The Believa Tattoo Butter is 100% vegan and contains natural ingredients, which are perfect for sensitive skin.
After the tattoo has completely healed, we recommend our well-established tattoo aftercare cream, as the ink is automatically broken down by the body over the course of a lifetime, it is important to treat it with the right care, so that the fading caused by external influences and physical processes such as sunlight and sweat can be minimised. Get the care you deserve.
Premium Aftercare Butter und Creme
Strahlende Farben trotz strahlender Sonne
Many tattoo owners are afraid to go out in the sun with their tattoos. The risk of sunburn and fading tattoos prevents them from enjoying the summer in too many cases. This is now a thing from the past! Believa offers the ideal solution with Believa Tattoo Sun Protection Cream. With a highly effective Sun protection factor of 50, Believa Tattoo sun cream offers the very best and highest quality protection for you tattoos. Manufactured in Germany under strict specifications the sun cream not only offers the perfect all-around protection against UV- and solar radiation, but is also skin-freindly, fast-absorbing and waterproof.
We also offer the option of extended UV protection with our Believa Tattoo sun protection film. The roll is breathable, waterproof und flexible. The motto is prevention and protection instead of being annoyed and bummed out afterwards. Let your skin look shining bright, because not only the sun can do that.
Schutz ist die beste Vorsorge
It is recommended that every fresh tattoo receive the appropriate protection, especially in the first few days. The tattoo film by Believa does not looks only discreet and offers optimum wearing comfort, but also provides the perfect protection for fresh tattooed skin. The breathable, waterproof protective film, which is especially suitable for sensitive skin, offers more than the conventional alternatives. The top quality of the protective film and other Believa products have been tried and established in over a thousand tattoo studios throughout Germany.
For fresh, more heavily bleeding wounds that can occur during tattooing, we recommend our sterile Believa tattoo wound pads. These special compresses are suitable for protection against germs, bacteria and other potential infections, unlike conventional options such as the classic kitchen roll style of wound-dressing. They do not irritate the wound, do not stick together and are made of high-quality cotton. They are available in different sizes. Convince yourself of these simple yet effective products.
Tattoo Pflege Sets-Bundles
Believa Tattoo Pflege Bundles – Rundum-Schutz für dein Tattoo Du hast dir ein neues Tattoo gegönnt? Glückwunsch! Damit es nicht nur schnell und gesund abheilt, sondern auch auf Dauer strahlt, haben wir bei Believa genau das Richtige für dich: unsere Tattoo Pflege Bundles – individuell abgestimmt auf deine Bedürfnisse!
Egal, ob du eine kleine Erinnerung auf der Haut trägst oder ein riesiges Kunstwerk, wir haben die passende Pflege. Jedes Bundle enthält eine Auswahl unserer besten Produkte, die dein Tattoo in jeder Phase unterstützen – von der Heilung bis zum Schutz im Alltag. Natürlich kommt alles, wie gewohnt, in Believa-Qualität: vegan, frei von unnötigem Kram und voller natürlicher Inhaltsstoffe. Ob für dich oder als Geschenk – dein Tattoo wird sich über die extra Portion Pflege freuen! Hol dir jetzt dein passendes Bundle und verwöhne dein Tattoo von Anfang an. Nur das Beste für dich und dein Hautkunstwerk!
Believa Tattoo Baumwoll T-Shirts
Zeige deine Leidenschaft für Tattoos mit dem original Believa Tattoo T-Shirt. Hergestellt aus 100% Baumwolle bietet es höchsten Komfort und Langlebigkeit. In schlichtem Design, ideal für Tätowierer, Tattoo-Liebhaber und alle, die ein Statement setzen wollen. Erhältlich in den Größen XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL und XXXL, ist dieses umweltbewusst produzierte Shirt der perfekte Begleiter egal ob im Studio, auf der Straße oder auf Tattoo-Events.
Step by step to one of a kind
Your path is unique, let your tattoo artist eternalize the story of your journey. These innovative and high quality genuine leather shoes are designed for tattoo enthusiasts who want to take their passion to the next level. Made in Italy, the tattoo shoes can be easily tattooed by your favourite tattoo artist on their artificial skin. Available in various designs, colours and sizes, soon you can stand out from the crowd with your favourite shoes.